Thursday, May 24, 2012

EMG Voice: When and Where You Need Equipment

We offer a number of online educational opportunities for you to learn more about Dr. Adam Kirkpatrick's method that is detailed in his voice software suite.

It is required to purchase or have access to the equipment listed below in order to:
-Attend 6-hour online class

It is encouraged to purchase or have access to the equipment listed below if:
-Professionals want to use Dr. Adam Kirkpatrick's patented technology in their own practices or research

It is not required to purchase or have access to the equipment
listed below in order to:
-Attend the Voice Master Class
-Attend Coaching Clinics in Voice and SEMG Biofeedback
-Attend the live webinar, Teaching Voice with EMG Biofeedback

If you are interested in incorporating the methods into your practice or are new to the field of biofeedback, there is some equipment required to use his training method.The following EMG equipment can be found online at
-Biograph Infiniti Software
-ProComp5 System
-EMG MyoScan-Pro Sensor (x3)
-Disposable Electrodes

If you have any questions, contact Nadine at Thought Technology. 1-800-361-3651

We've got a tech sheet that explains the hardware requirements. It's a little blurry here, but if you would like a copy of it let us know and we will email the document to you!